District Governors & Succession Lines for #CPETS25
For information on the current and future leadership at each district, please visit the respective District websites.
Our District Governors Elect, with Bios
Succession Lines, By District
Joy Kline
District Governor RY 24/25, D7600
SuAnne Hardee Bryant
District Governor Nominee RY 26/27, D7600
Tracy D. Lego
District Governor Nominee Designate, RY27/28, D7600
Amelia Stansell
District Governor RY24/25, D7610
Peter Anderson
District Governor Nominee RY 26/27, D7610
Cheri Maea
District Governor Nominee Designate RY27/28, D76100
Nomie Hamid
District Governor RY24/25, D7620
Dawn Wittfelt
District Governor Nominee RY 26/27, D7620
District Governor Nominee Designate RY27/28, D76200
Randy Smith
District Governor RY24/25, D7630
Ken Montville
District Governor Nominee RY 26/27, D7630
Yasmith T. Johnson
District Governor Nominee Designate RY27/28, D7630