District Governors & Succession Lines for #CPETS25

For information on the current and future leadership at each district, please visit the respective District websites.

Our District Governors Elect, with Bios

Pat Edwards
District Governor Elect RY25/26, D7600
Ravi Kat Cooper
District Governor Elect RY 25/26, D7610
Mandy Granger
District Governor Elect RY 25/26, D7620
Dale Kerns
District Governor Elect RY 25/26, D7630

Succession Lines, By District

Joy Kline
District Governor RY 24/25, D7600
Pat Edwards
District Governor Elect RY 25/26, D7600
SuAnne Hardee Bryant
District Governor Nominee RY 26/27, D7600
Tracy D. Lego
District Governor Nominee Designate, RY27/28, D7600
Amelia Stansell
District Governor RY24/25, D7610
Ravi Kat Cooper
District Governor Elect RY25/26, D7610
Peter Anderson
District Governor Nominee RY 26/27, D7610
Cheri Maea
District Governor Nominee Designate RY27/28, D76100
Nomie Hamid
District Governor RY24/25, D7620
Mandy Granger
District Governor Elect RY25/26, D7620
Dawn Wittfelt
District Governor Nominee RY 26/27, D7620
District Governor Nominee Designate RY27/28, D76200
Randy Smith
District Governor RY24/25, D7630
Dale Kerns
District Governor Elect RY25/26, D7630
Ken Montville
District Governor Nominee RY 26/27, D7630
Yasmith T. Johnson
District Governor Nominee Designate RY27/28, D7630