CPETS Exhibitors & Vendors

Thank you to all our event Exhibitors that staff tables at our “House of Friendship” for the benefit of our Presidents Elect and other Rotary leaders. At the event, registered attendees are issued a PASSPORT card that they take to exhibitor tables to receive a stamp or mark, as they visit each one. They turn in their PASSPORT at the final District sessions on Saturday — for the chance to win prize drawings.

Interested to exhibit with us for our 2025 event?

We still have openings available. For questions and to register, email our CPETS Exhibitors Chair Tracy Reynolds at treynolds9@yahoo.com — or use email CPETSrotary@gmail.com to her attention. Click here for the special DACdb separate registration link for Exhibitors this year.

Exhibitors at CPETS25 include the following, updated as of 02.07.25: